Our Vision and Values
Our vision
Our aim is that our children attend schools with high-quality teachers and leaders in all phases.
Our children deserve high-quality education.
We offer high-quality training and professional development to support teachers and leaders at every stage of their career with the aim of raising teaching standards and contributing significantly to school improvement.
We support schools in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough with the Early Career Framework (ECF), National Professional Qualifications (NPQ), Initial Teacher Training (ITT), Appropriate Body Services (AB), and Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Our values
How we achieve this:
By being a centre of excellence, working collaboratively through strong, supportive partnerships which promote and value fairness, equality, inclusion and diversity.
The Nolan Principles and The Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education are at the centre of all we do.
The Golden Thread
Teaching Schools have been designated by the Department for Education to focus mainly on the 'golden thread' of Initial Teacher Training, Early Career Framework and National Professional Qualifications. The thread provides training for teachers from the very start where they are training to teach right up to Executive Headship.
The Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education
Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education, which builds on the Nolan Principles of Public Life, was launched in 2019:
The Seven Principles of Public Life:
Read blogs and more information about the Ethical Leadership Pathfinder Project.