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ECT Registration Process

This process is for schools who are using Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Teaching School Hub as their Delivery Partner, and Teach First as their Lead Provider on the DfE-funded provider route. If you are taking a different Early Career Framework route, please follow the registration steps of your Delivery Partner.

  1. Register for Statutory Appropriate Body (AB) Services – Check that the post is suitable for an ECT by registering with the AB Service. Please follow the steps found on our AB ECT Registration page to register with the AB.
  2. The Department of Education (DfE) portal called ‘Manage training for early career teachers ('. Registering with the DfE enables your ECTs/Mentor to be verified as eligible for funding. You will need to specify Teach First as your Training Provider and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Teaching School Hub as Delivery Partner. Once verified by the DfE, details of your ECTs and Mentors will pass to Teach First who will provide access to the training materials.
  3. Register with your Delivery Partner, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Teaching School Hub, by completing this form.
  4. ECTs will receive access to their 'My Teach First' account and online learning platform (Brightspace)

Please ensure that all Induction Tutor information held on the DfE digital service is correct. When entering new participants (ECTs and Mentors) please pay particular attention to email addresses as these will pass to Teach First and will be used to create logins for access to their online learning platform.