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NPQ Funding

April 2025 cohort

We are waiting for further information about funding for the April 2025 NPQ courses. If you would like to be kept up-to-date with this information, please complete our Expression of Interest form.

October 2024 cohort

For the October 2024 cohort, targeting those teachers and leaders who work in the most challenging schools or educational settings, serving more disadvantaged communities.

Funding covering the full NPQ course cost will be available to teachers and leaders from:

  • The 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding.
  • 16-19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage.
  • For the NPQ in Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL), highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.

This criteria applies to teachers and leaders employed in England by: 

  • state-funded schools 
  • state-funded 16 to 19 organisations 
  • independent special schools 
  • hospital schools 
  • young offender institutions 
  • local authority virtual schools 
  • local authorities as a supply teacher or another role directly teaching pupils 
  • maintained nursery school in England 
  • pre-school class or nursery that’s part of a maintained school in England 
  • pre-school class or nursery that’s part of an independent school in England providing free early years entitlements places 
  • nursery that is registered on the Ofsted Early Years Register 
  • childminder registered on the Ofsted Early Years Register, or with a registered childminder agency 

You are able to check the eligibility of your school/setting on the DfE website here: Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs) - GOV.UK (

If you choose the spreadsheet that relates to your context (Schools, 16 to 19 settings or Early years settings), you will be able to look up if your setting is on the list. 

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NPQ scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16-19 educational organisations for the following: 

There will be a capped number of 10,800 scholarship places. The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Teaching School Hub has been allocated a portion of the funded place, which will be awarded to applicants based on the merit of the participant's application.

For context, previous October cohorts have been around 20,000, so this is about half the size of current cohorts. Funding for the April 2025 cohorts and beyond has not been confirmed.

Your funding is applied for through the DfE registration. The DfE portal will open in July 2024.

School/Self-funded NPQs

Those in schools/settings who are not eligible for scholarship funding are able to access NPQs through the self-funded model.
For non-funded places, the cost of the programmes per participant are: 

NPQ in Leading Literacy - £899

NPQ in Leading Teaching - £899

NPQ in Leading Teacher Development - £899

NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture - £899

NPQ in Leading Primary Mathematics - £899

NPQ for SENCOs - £1,265

NPQ in Early Years Leadership - £1,090

NPQ in Senior Leadership - £1,090

NPQ in Headship - £1,885

NPQ in Executive Leadership - £3,890

Early Headship Coaching Offer - £800