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Pav Saunders, Facilitator: Learning for Life

Portrait photo of Pav SaundersEducation Consultant Pav Saunders is a facilitator on the NPQ Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) and Leading Teaching (NPQLT). Here we catch up with Pav, previously a Headteacher for 21 years, about her work on the NPQs, her wider experience as an assessor and facilitator, and why she is so dedicated to ‘learning for life’.

How did you become involved with CPTSH?

“I have a long history with Leadership East, part of Meridian Trust, and through that I also previously delivered programmes for Cambridge Primary Education Trust and got to know Lesley Birch and CPTSH colleagues.”

Tell us about your own history with NPQs.

“I have been delivering the NPQs since the late 1990s. At that time, I was Headteacher at Fawbert and Barnard’s Primary School in Essex, and I recognised that I needed to diversify my experience. I am particularly interested in staff development and want to develop other people. I am an accredited leadership coach and have been involved in developing leadership programmes. As well as the NPQLTD and NPQLT, I deliver other NPQs for different providers.”

You are a champion of ‘learning for life’ – what drives you around that?

“I am a lifelong learner. I strongly believe that everyone learns something new every day and ‘learning for life’ became our school motto. I left Headship 10 years ago and have never lost that passion to develop leaders of the future. In the same way that you get the pleasure of seeing children learn and grow to open up career prospects, helping adults to achieve their leadership potential gives me the same satisfaction. I am proud to say that four Headteachers have emerged from my time at Fawbert and Barnard’s Primary School.”

Why should teachers consider signing up to NPQs?

“The NPQs we have today are potentially more powerful than they have ever been. However, professional development needs to be a priority. Time must be committed to it, and the overall approach valued by staff/leaders. Traditionally, professional development is one of the first things to get cut when schools budgets are hit or become tighter. However, with these NPQs being free, they enable staff to have focussed CPD.”

What does success look like from these programmes?

“When participants have successfully completed their NPQ they will hopefully become effective and efficient leaders who are able to use research evidence to help colleagues develop. Participants on the programmes tell us they are enjoying applying their new knowledge and skills within their schools.”


Interested in becoming an NPQ facilitator with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Teaching School Hub? We are looking for excellent and successful leaders with good understanding of the latest evidence-based research into one or more of the following: effective pedagogical practises, effective behaviour management and leadership, effective teacher development or effective school leadership. Click here to access our NPQ facilitator application form.