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​Appropriate Body​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Appropriate Bodies' Role: 

Monitoring of support – appropriate bodies will:

- Check that Early Career Teachers are receiving their statutory entitlements, and that regard is had to the statutory guidance.

- Provide ECF fidelity checks, ensuring schools are supported to provide ECTs with an ECF-based induction.

Monitoring of assessment – appropriate bodies will make the final decision as to whether the ECT has satisfactorily met the Teachers’ Standards, based on the headteacher’s recommendation. 

     What we provide to the school:

  • Responsive advice, support and guidance from an experienced and knowledgeable team. 
  • Access to our comprehensive Induction Guidance booklet and other associated resources and documents. 
  • Access to the ECT Manager website, a simple and secure paperless system for ECT registrations, assessments and induction resources. 
  • Quality assurance visits to a sample of schools to provide formative feedback and advice. 
  • Advice and support for schools if an ECT is at risk of not meeting the Teachers’ Standards. 
  • Panel to oversee quality assurance procedures and to agree applications for reduced or extended induction. 
  • Induction data provided as required to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA). 
  • Induction Tutor/Lead update briefings. 
  • Training for Induction Tutors and Induction Leads who are new to the role. 
  • All ECTs registered with us will receive free membership of the Chartered College of Teaching for one year. 
  • Provide regular updates about induction to the Educational Establishment as appropriate.

Registering with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough AB Service:

Please navigate to the following page - /appropriate-body/ect-registration for a full list of how to register your Early Career Teachers for induction with the Appropriate Body (AB).