New NPQ Grant of £800 for 2023/24

On the 26th April, the DfE announced a new grant to incentivise participation in national professional qualifications (NPQs)
As well as the NPQs remaining fully funded for 2023/24, state-funded primary schools with 1 - 150 pupils will receive a grant of £800 for every teacher or leader who embarks on a NPQ in the upcoming academic year.
Eligibility will be assessed at the point of registration and applies to all NPQ courses but does not apply to the Early Headship Coaching Offer.
There is no need to apply for this funding. It will be paid as part of normal payments from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). Payments will be made during the summer term in 2024.
The existing £200 grant remains in place for those state-funded primary schools with more than 150 pupils, as well as for state-funded secondary schools and 16 to 19 educational settings with 1 to 600 pupils.
Schools can check how many pupils they have recorded on the Get Information about Schools (GIAS) database, as well as which phase(s) of education they are recorded as delivering (“primary” and “middle-deemed primary” are eligible).
Eligibility for state-funded 16 to 19 organisations is based on pupil data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR).
For further information about the NPQs we offer and the application process, CLICK HERE