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NPQ in Senior Leadership (NPQSL)











 Apply here!

Programme Breakdown

The NPQSL is designed for school leaders who are, or aspire to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.

Designed with busy teachers in mind, the NPQSL is delivered using a blend of online seminars, flexible online learning and conferences. 


What will I learn?

You will develop expertise in the knowledge, skills and concepts for areas of cross- and whole-school responsibility related to your role.

Modules include:

  • School culture
  • Teaching
  • Curriculum and assessment
  • Behaviour
  • Additional and special educational needs
  • Professional development
  • Organisational management
  • Implementation
  • Working in partnership
  • Governance and accountability

How will I benefit?

  • Grow your expertise as a senior school leader, broadening your leadership knowledge and gaining the specialist expertise needed to tackle your school improvement priorities
  • Learn how to support the development of a positive, predictable, supportive and safe environment for pupils and colleagues
  • Share experiences with other school leaders, learn how they’ve faced challenges and build a professional network that will support you throughout your career
  • Benefit from the latest evidence-based research to aid with developing strategies to improve teaching and pupil performance at your school



A limited number of DfE scholarship funded places will be available to teachers and leaders from:  

  • the 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding  
  • the 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage  

Non-funded places: £1,090

Please see here for the NPQ funding announcement